Sunday, May 13, 2012

The garage is set

Today we tackled the garage and all its contents. We have cleared it out and are ready to have the items moved. Again, we divided it into take with us, give away, and store. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.

The house here in the states in coming together. We have a pre-move set in a couple of days and my car will be shipped on Friday. It takes about 45 days for the car to arrive via boat so we have to send it ahead of time. Now to work on that international license and study for the driver's test i will have to take.

Have been looking at the houses for rent in Italy. They are colorful, small and each bathroom has a bidet. Let's try explaining that to a 6 yr old who I am sure will try to bathe her baby dolls in it. I am told we will be in temporary loading for about 3-5 weeks, while we look for a house. A part of me wonders what are we going to do in lodging for that time frame and how we will adjust to close quarters, but another part of me thinks, who cares, you'll be in Italy! The time will fly by I am sure.

Better get back to sorting. And I am happy to report, I have successfully used another bottle of shampoo and conditioner.

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