Saturday, May 19, 2012

My car is on a cruise without me

It's official, the move process has begun. This past week we had a pre move inspection and found out that the storage folks never received our paperwork. Apparently it was filled out incorrectly by the trans folks. Thankfully my  husband's forethought caught the mistake and we are back on schedule. Pre move went well but we think we may need an extra day for storage. we shall see when they do a pre move inspection.

We shipped the car on Friday. I am sad to be without my car for a few weeks and i know it will be an adjustment, not to mention I will need to have patience with my husband since I will be sharing his truck. Wow, when was the last time we were a one car family? It's been a LONG time! We drove to Baltimore to deliver the car since it's the nearest shipping facility. Apparently there are only 6 or so ports in the US. I am glad we aren't in Nebraska anymore. That would have been an exhausting drive.

We got to the shipyard and well of course, we had too much gas. My fault for filling up earlier in the week and not travelling as much as normal. So we had to leave the facility and drive back towards the house (about 40 minutes away), have some lunch and then head back. When we got there the second time, we were dead on with the gas. You can only have 1/4 tank of gas or less in your vehicle and it must be cleaned on the inside. Luckily, I did all that prior to taking the car down. My husband told me they inspected the inside and outside of car thoroughly. Apparently a neighborhood cat has been leaving nice little claw marks on the hood of my car. Now if I find that cat, and I am sure I know which one it is, I may have more in store than a few choice words for it. Thankfully, that was the only thing going on with my car. The shipping folks packed up the items allowed to travel with my car into a box and placed them in the trunk. My car now awaits shipment. We are told the car should arrive in Italy around July 5, a few days after our arrival. I'm just jealous the care gets to go to Italy via boat. I would love to take a cruise to Italy rather than flying. Lucky car!!

Addio Auto!!!

P.S. The kids are being really helpful with the shampoo. Now to tackle that dish detergent too.

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