Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tying up loose ends

Gearing up for the trip. We have primed the girls' rooms back to white so that housing here doesn't have a problem. We've also gone through the girls' rooms, breaking down items, placing them in storage bins and sorting through the items that will be in storage or will come with us. Pretty much we've done that with the whole house. I even went through the food stash and am about to embark upon the spices and the cleaners next.

The movers have all been confirmed. How each of them lost the paperwork is still beyond me. I am just glad my husband is as anal retentive as he is. Now to start getting an idea of the unaccompanied baggage items we plan to bring with us.

Today we got copies of the medical records for the girls and I. The lady told me that "You know, we do send them to the MTF over there." I replied, "I know, but I would rather carry the copies and have you send them later." Seriously, this is not my first rodeo. Have the ball rolling on getting the kids' school records completed too. They will need to be hand carried to Italy. Still need to get my dental records, but that should be a quick phone call, and w already have the girls' stuff. The only snafu holding us up are the visas. Hoping to get those this week too.

Today is cleaning day because tomorrow housing will be here for their initial walk through of the house prior to the final check out walk through. Then we can have an idea of what else they require of us before we leave. Luckily, it's an old house which they will be remodeling after we leave. So we really just need to wipe down the counters & bathrooms, mop & sweep. Not too much hassle.

Hard to believe the movers will be here in 1 1/2 weeks. The countdown has begun for sure. Now to finish tying up some loose ends, the kids' end of year activities, a visit from some old friends, and light packing. After that, we are off to visit relatives and then onto Italy. I can't wait!

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