Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Odds & ends

Last night and the last few nights, I have truly enjoyed sitting outside talking with the neighbors. We just kind of hang out, drink wine and talk. Last night a couple Italian neighbors joined us and it was fantastic. We practiced our italian and they practiced their English. With a few missteps here and there, we all conversed with one another. It was really nice. Found out that my one neighbor, Carmello, is from Germany and then grew up in Sicily. His wife, Erika, is from northern Italy. Then our other neighbors are from Albania. It's such an eye opening experience to meet and know people from all over the world. It's also a shame that Americans think everyone should learn English and that we often refuse to learn another language. My neighbors know about 3-4 languages apiece!  And I am desperately trying to learn theirs. Thankfully my 4 years of Latin aid me in reading and translating the language, I just can't string too many words together. But, to remedy that situation, I am registered for an Italian course that starts in another month. After that, I shall take on italy, one syllable at a time.

I have located the best place to get fresh produce and fresh cheese. I LOVE all the cheeses here and am slowly learning their distinct tastes and how to work with each of them. I can honestly say, that fresh mozzarella (in a water filled bag) is so much better than prepacked Sargento cheese any day of the week. And jarred parmesan? Not even an option anymore.

My next phase with be learning to can some tomato sauce and salsa for use later in the year. i have ordered my supplies can't wait to get them. I did pick up some jars the other day and am considering grabbing a few more for later use in the fall. The canning season is probably the only time I'll see the jars so I better grab them when I can. Maybe I can learn to do pickles and olives too. It should be an adventure and when I couple it with my Italian cooking classes, I should become a real pro soon enough!

A thought to leave you with...if American construction workers and those working on farms could feel free to wear their speedos and no hard hats for the Americans, they might feel happier and more inclined to take care of themselves. Speedos are for every wear here, not just the beach or pool!

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