Friday, July 27, 2012

Time to move on or out from under this cloud

It's hard to believe that a few days ago I was fussing about the hard loaner bed we have and worrying about not having any closets in the house, and then my daughter ends up with emergency surgery. Four days in a pediatric ward can really change your opinion about what is in important in life, and sometimes it is the simplest things, such as family and not furniture or what you are sleeping on. The first two nights we were by ourselves in a large room. The next two nights we had other kids and their families in the room. One poor girl continually vomited after her surgery and looked so pathetic, heck she could have been my other child. The next little girl was in pain from her surgery too and cried a good amount. Even in another language, you can understand a child's pain and suffering. You can also understand a mother's yearning for her child to recover and feel better. A mother's love transcends all language barriers.

It is four days after we entered the hospital and I am happy to say that my daughter was released today. I am happy too because while we were waiting to be discharged, our roommates had been replaced by a 2 yr and a 1 yr old. I might have been crankier had we stayed another night and become very short tempered with the toddlers. I am one exhausted mother. Not only are the reclining chairs in the hospital less than comfortable or comparable to my hard bed, but I am finally coming down off the stress I've been under for the last few days. My body and mind are simply tired.

So let's recap, in the last two months, we had a few hiccups with our move, my husband and I both got injured on a pleasant and supposedly relaxing tubing trip down the river, my father in law was hospitalized for a couple days, my dog was attacked by another dog and then ended up with emergency surgery for bloat, we left our beloved dog with my inlaws, my niece, dad and sister had a court hearing to determine the custody of my niece, we enjoyed the buckets of rain from tropical storm Debbie, had to make last minute arrangements for an airport ride, endured an excruciatingly long plane ride to another country where our baggage didn't make it for two days, lost my husband's kindle on the plane, endured the process of finding a new home and taking a driver's class to drive in this country, continually struggled with a language and culture barrier that leaves me completely baffled some days, and the icing on the cake was my daughter's appendectomy. Oh and today, my husband found out he didn't get his possible promotion, he had a slim possibility but it's a still a blow nonetheless. Quite frankly, whatever dark cloud that is hanging over the heads of my family really needs to move on. So karma, Murphy's Law, bad luck, or dark cloud, it is time to leave. I would like to start enjoying life again and not wait for the next proverbial shoe to drop.

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