Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oh the piles!!

I feel like I am on an episode of Hoarders, minus the trash of course. Moving abroad is more complicated than moving to another state. All the other times we moved, I never thought much of the little crap you can accumulate. Yes, we had yard to get rid of stuff and took things to good will or the salvation army, but this seems so different. Or maybe I am just looking at this like some daunting task the lies before me.

We've been organizing the household items, mostly into piles of keep/take with us, giveaway, keep/store. How do you really decide that you don't need something for 3-4 years? I'm of the mindset, if I haven't used in the last 2 years, then I won't need it in 3 years. Like my rotisserie, I love the darn thing, but truly it is bulky. In our current house, it sits downstairs in the basement on a shelf. Whereas at the house in the Nebraska, it was in the pantry on the floor. Out of sight, out of mind. Or I suppose you could say it pure laziness to not want to go down to the basement to lug the darn machine up for a chicken i could easily roast in the oven. see my point?

So my end goal this weekend is to hit the kitchen, hard. I've already decided on some things that need to go. And I was thinking the other day that we would want some pots and pans to cook with while we are in temporary lodging but not all the pots. Yeah, now to see which pot will be the lucky ones that get to come first and which ones come second. Poor pots, I hope they don't get a complex thinking I don't need each of them all the time. Geesh, then they would stop performing for me, or worst yet, escape in the move and never be heard from again. (Much like those infamous socks in the dryer mystery.) I know for a fact i do not need 2 toasters, one is a regular toaster and the other is a toaster oven. One will suffice, however, I'll need a converter and maybe it's just easier to get a European toaster while i am there or hit up this lending closet I hear so much about. Choices, choices. And the blender, its not coming with us. I'd rather get a new one because mine asks kind weird sometimes when i make drinks in it. But I still can't get rid of it right now because I will probably make a couple more margaritas in the next 6 weeks. A girl needs her margaritas to make it through the day sometimes. Ok let me clarify that statement so i don't come off as an alcoholic, I have two girls and a dog, and a  crazy schedule to boot, and once in a while mommy likes to unwind with a frosted beverage. I know other moms would agree with me.

At any rate, these piles are getting to me.We have one room set aside for some of these piles Right now, it's the dog's room. Poor thing is getting less and less space to sleep int there. God love my husband, but he has divided the room into a major take and store pile. You can barely move in there and if you try to move something in there or reorganize, well let's just say, beware of falling objects.Some of the take with us stuff is one pile upon another and frankly, I just don't have the heart to dig through it and down the bottom to get the one thing I may need. It's more frustrating than anything. And the kids have piles of toys they are storing for 3 years, mostly stuffed toys. My oldest will be 12 in 3 years and the likelihood that she will need all those stuff animals in 3 years is slim to none so why are we storing them? I think because daddy offered her a comfort blanket and she took it. I am thinking that one day I will enter that room and poof, some of those toys may magically get lost in the move. Of course that last time that happened, it was a toy she liked and she talk about that toy gone missing for YEARS! So this may not be the best course of action. she might actually miss a 4 ft tall sock monkey when he doesn't come out of a crate in 3 years. And these darn Lincoln Logs we've had for a few years. i hate the things, but you know what? They are in the store pile!! Oh heck no, that is not happening. They are definitely a lose in the move item for sure! The girls will be 9 & 12 when we move again, they won't be playing with them and I know they are a daddy item anyhow.

Well off for more organizing today. Perhaps I will tackle that kitchen after all or attempt to access a pile of stuff in the guest room. Or even, attempt to pare down the 10 boxes of Christmas stuff I have. Shoot, it's not like the don't celebrate Christmas in Italy, but maybe not in the same gaudy fashion as we do in the US. Guess I will have to store some of the Christmas items too. Woohoo, more piles to start in the garage, let the hoarding begin all over!

Oh and courtesy of the children, another bottle of body wash and shampoo bite the dust!  Love those kids!!

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