Monday, April 1, 2013

Buona Pasquette tutti

It's been way too long. As i sit and listen to the bells chiming on this, yet another Italian day of rest, I am reminded that I am indeed in Italy. I've said before how this country is rich in culture and history, but one thing that strikes me is how rich it is in family. Today's holiday is Pasquette, Easter Monday. It is the day of rest. A day that Italians spend time with family and plan family hikes and such. It's a day set aside for family togetherness. I envy this about the Italian culture because frankly, in the US, we do not have such holidays. Everyday, families are out walking and riding bikes along the streets of Italy. They enjoy this time dedicated to family, a time to enjoy each other and truly love one another. This sense of togetherness is wonderful to see and is truly  heart warming. It makes me wonder though, if we had such days set aside in the US, would our families be united? Instead of mom and dad on the computer, kids with handheld electronic devices 24/7, and families sitting in front of the tv, would we actually begin to enjoy our families and would our children be just that much more appreciative of family?

I remember growing up with my Italian stepfather, a wonderful man who I can really call my dad. He often preached to us children the importance of family and I remember us kids, we  just thought it was another excuse for him to make us do something we didn't want to do. But no, this truly is something ingrained in the Italian culture. It is something that has transcended generations, even those that have immigrated to the US. So why then, aren't all families this close? Do they not know what they are missing and is it too late to start this with mine? Sure, my kids aren't saints and there are many times throughout the day where I don't want to spend any time with them, but then I realize, I am missing out on something wonderful. My kids are kids, and they are growing up fast. My 10 yr old girl has hit puberty with a force to be reckoned with but there are times, every so often, where I see in her the sweet kid she is and the superb woman she will become. My 7 yr old girl is following closely behind her sister, but really, she is a sweet kid, very kind and very considerate of others. But what I see in both of them is that the more time I spend with them, the more they enjoy it. The girls really soak up and seem to bask in that time and honestly, I am beginning to enjoy those moments with them.

So perhaps the Italians are on to something. Perhaps a day of rest to enjoy the company of family without the interruption of electronics is a good thing. Perhaps, instead of constantly rushing one kid to piano, another to gymnastics and another to girl scouts, it is time to really embrace their childhood and this time I have been given with my girls. They really are kids only once and I for one don't want to miss it. Italy, you appear to be changing my outlook on life and if I to admit it, that really is not such a bad thing. (And just in case my husband is wondering, no I have not been drinking this early in the morning. Consider it a moment of clarity in the chaos of life.)

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